Let’s Start A Random Acts Of Kindness Movement!

One man in Pakistan decided that on his 22nd birthday he was going to do 22 acts of kindness. Imagine what a beautiful world this really could be if we all did this same thing on our own birthdays! And every birthday you add one more thing to the list! Brilliant!! So who’s in?

Beautiful People Paying It Forward For Real!

Jayden Lanterns Light Up The Sky…

I know that sometimes it seems like the world has lost it’s compassion and humanity but there are things happening every day that will change even a die-hard pessimist’s mind. This story is one of them.

Please take a few minutes to read about it, watch the video, and remember to pay it forward! Then don’t forget to come back here and tell us how this story makes you feel and what you are going to do to pay it forward.

CLICK HERE to view the original story!